Renée Mollitt was in 2nd place for the ensemble of her works in the last spring at the Expo art 2024.
Art demo – Using a gel plate and a silicone mat for creating materials for mixed media art. Working with a gel plate and/or a silicone mat is so versatile, addictive and fun. Gel printing techniques can be used to make monoprints or to make collage materials for any type of mixed media art. In addition to uses in my mixed media art, I have used gel prints for many different projects including bookmarks, journal pages, book covers, backgrounds for linocut prints, backgrounds for digital material, and so much more. Acrylic “skins” can be created on a silicone mat by adding layers of acrylic paint for really intriguing effects. The dried skins add beautiful texture and interest to mixed media pieces.
The artist will come and share with us her artistic approach during the creation of her works, the 18 of September after the general meeting of the Artists Hudson artistes at Stephen F.Shaar Center, 394 rue Main, Hudson. Free for member.
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